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30 MAY 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is attracting growing interest from global companies and major brands, who see it as a means of making significant advances, particularly in text and image generation. Tools such as Dall-E 2, ChatGPT, and now Bard, are captivating the general public as much as SEO, copywriting and design experts, but AI offers even greater potential in this area.

In an economic climate focused on achieving a rapid return on investment, companies—particularly those seeking international expansion—are turning to AI to effectively localise their content in new countries, optimise costs and launch better marketing campaigns. As engineers push the limits of AI, they are involved in a constant race for more and more complex algorithms. For example, showdowns like the one between chess champion Kasparov and AI Deep Blue have become commonplace, underlining how quickly today's innovations and specialties can be outperformed.

This is why it's crucial for companies to consider the various use cases for AI now, particularly in the fields of communication and marketing, to enable better local adaptation of their resources. Just like the pioneers of e-commerce 20 years ago, those who know how to go beyond simple website creation will quickly stand out from the crowd.

The era of personalised artificial intelligence

Brands are now looking to their own artificial intelligence to interact with customers, provide personalised offers and encourage loyalty. These AIs will play a key role in each brand's content creation, data management and ecosystem operation, whatever the cultural realities of their market.

That's why it's essential to evolve AI tools so they can be used according to the DNA of a particular company. Today, generic AI such as ChatGPT and Bard offer similar responses to all users. But, to be successful, brands will need to transform their AIs into true experts in their fields, enabling them to reflect their identity and voice through specific vocabulary and a distinctive grammatical register.

Given the cost of creating end-to-end AI, organisations can start training generic AIs now, providing them with the necessary specifications while ensuring their usefulness and relevance to their field of application. Although this takes time, those who succeed will enjoy a significant competitive advantage in the future.

AI, digital transformation and cultural adaptation

It's also important to remember that although the internet may appear to be globalised, it is in fact fragmented into numerous languages and cultural specificities. There are just as many Mandarin-speaking internet users as those who speak English, Hindi or Spanish, for example. Each AI must therefore rely on specific data sets to adapt to each country, while also maintaining the overall consistency of the brand image. And this is how organisations can truly embrace e-multiculturalism.

At Datawords, we are convinced that artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for the successful cultural adaptation of brands on a global scale. Drawing on our localisation expertise and deep understanding of different cultures, we help brands make this transition to successful localisation with AI to create relevant and consistent customer experiences.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you reach global markets with our Multicultural IngenuityTM.


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