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Home > About us > Our news > How Benefit Cosmetics expanded its digital presence around the world


Partnership with Datawords Since 2015
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Partnership with Datawords Since 2015
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Benefit Cosmetics – one of the most fun, successful and innovative brands in the US – wanted to increase its international digital presence. See how their collaboration with Datawords helped them accomplish this goal.


Expanding from 1 to 40+ markets in less than 2 years (digitally)
Maintaining a consistent brand voice and brand identity
Managing international content with technical platforms
Increasing visibility and SEO relevance

Organized model with fewer communication flow streams
Technology, culture and content blending together
Deep local understanding of the brand
SEO optimized strategies for each local market

Growing from 1 to 42 international markets on a digital level
Over 1 million new visitors each year on localized websites


Expanding from 1 to 40+ markets in less than 2 years (digitally)
Maintaining a consistent brand voice and brand identity
Managing international content with technical platforms
Increasing visibility and SEO relevance


Organized model with fewer communication flow streams
Technology, culture and content blending together
Deep local understanding of the brand
SEO optimized strategies for each local market


Growing from 1 to 42 international markets on a digital level
Over 1 million new visitors each year on localized websites

Benefit Cosmetics’ brand message and story has never been as consistent globally, and the efficiency to reach local markets has attained a level we couldn’t possibly envision.
Emily Dupuis, Benefit Cosmetics - Web Operations Project Manager
