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For businesses looking to grow their international presence, artificial intelligence is an essential tool for accelerating performance at a local level. At Datawords, we firmly believe that the alliance between humans and AI is essential and opens up new perspectives in the way that brands deliver their content globally, while placing market-specific cultural relevance at the heart of their strategy.

AI promises to considerably reduce time-to-market. Speed is crucial in an environment where the ability to attract attention and retain customer loyalty is vital. On top of that, AI allows brands to be present in more markets by guaranteeing coherent content delivery across a larger number of contact points, while optimising costs.

However, in spite of its undeniable benefits, AI has its own limits. Systems based on human intelligence, which are developed and programmed by humans, can still be prone to developing cultural bias, spreading disinformation or lacking the necessary accuracy to maintain coherence with a brand’s identity. For a business striving for international growth, minimising the risk of error when it comes to target audience is fundamental. This is precisely where Datawords, thanks to its Multicultural IngenuityTM and teams established across the world, comes in as an essential strategic partner.

AI plays a crucial role in our strategy, starting with the development of AI assistants trained specifically for each market. Alongside a rigorous verification process, this first step ensures there is no bias and that produced content is coherent with brand identity. Subsequently, our teams take over to integrate and utilise these AI assistants, adapting them to existing workflows to optimise content creation and adaptation. Finally, the last step entails an in-depth evaluation of the generated content. This critical stage allows us to ensure that every aspect of the content not only meets quality and efficiency standards, but is also culturally relevant, which is fundamental for achieving our goal.

The alliance between humans, the power of AI and our multicultural expertise broadens the horizons of what's possible for brands, allowing them to accelerate their international performance by generating more content across more markets, while maintaining cultural relevance.



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