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at Datawords



Datawords is a company run by people whose mission is to provide international brands with locally relevant content anywhere, anytime, whatever the digital platform used and the intended culture.

To deliver top performance to its customers, Datawords values the diversity of identities, cultures, values, ways of thinking, career paths and skills. We call it multiculturalism.
That's why promoting difference is the cornerstone of our Human Resources policy. So, whether you're a digital marketer, creative thinker, developer, translator, project manager or expert in search, social or UX, whatever country you're from, whether you're passionate about the dramatic arts or soccer, you're welcome!



The values that guide our decision-making can be summed up in two words: EVERYONE MATTERS. This belief challenges us to put the needs and well-being of all our stakeholders first. From the outset, Datawords' 6 culturally-diverse founders have believed that multiculturalism creates value. In fact, we believe it's the recipe for success in today's business world. And the fact that Datawords has been growing for over 20 years is the best proof of this.

A learning


We value every employee worldwide. We make sure that everyone finds their place to deliver their full potential. And in an increasingly digital world, where tools and needs are constantly evolving, our teams need to have the best skills to offer our customers advanced technological solutions. That's why Datawords supports its employees' development by offering them a wide range of projects, on multiple platforms, with a variety of customers. These learning experiences enable our experts to master the most innovative technologies on the market, and stay at the cutting edge in their field of expertise.

A cultural


Datawords works in Europe, Asia and North America, with 25 hubs, including Paris, Luxembourg, Berlin, London, Barcelona, Milan, Seoul, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Shanghai, Manila, Mexico City, New York and Miami. In each of these offices, we offer our employees an international experience on a daily basis. The projects we work on are global in scope; our teams come from the four corners of the world, we speak every language by our water coolers... Datawords, a 100% multicultural company.

Are you ready to take up the international development challenges of the major brands and participate in our growth?




Join our Multicultural IngenuityTM.


Discover the values we share at Datawords.