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Datawords accelerates its growth in America

16 May 2023

Today, Alexandre Crazover, the co-founder and CEO of the Datawords Group, is proud to announce the opening of new offices in Latin America.

Following the successful opening of an office in Miami, the French group, which was founded in 2000 and already has a strong international presence, has recently opened offices in Mexico City and Sao Paulo. Working alongside the teams in Miami, these two offices will enable Datawords' North American customers to benefit from support in the LATAM zone, giving them access to the same high level of service in this part of the continent.

In 2015, Datawords successfully entered the North American market, initially by opening an office in New York, and then in Montreal in 2018. Customers in the Americas now account for 10 million euros in sales for Datawords, thanks in particular to a portfolio of prestigious clients including brands such as Colgate, Estée Lauder, Tiffany, Stanley and others.


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