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SEO audit: Comprehensive analysis to optimize your online performance across different markets

To successfully capture the attention of international consumers, it’s essential to carry out a comprehensive SEO audit that’s adapted to each market. In a globalized digital environment, user expectations and search engine criteria can vary from one country to another. An SEO audit, whether technical, semantic or focused on popularity, helps to optimize a website for local markets and boost its visibility. At Datawords, we analyze each market separately to offer a personalized SEO strategy and maximize your sites’ performance in all your target markets.

What is an SEO audit?

An SEO audit is an in-depth analysis of a website’s performance in terms of search engine optimization. When it’s carried out for several markets, it enables us to understand not only the general strengths and weaknesses of the site, but also how it’s doing in specific regions. For example, markets such as China, Germany and Brazil may require unique SEO adjustments.

The aim is to identify possible areas for improvement based on the expectations of each market, whether in terms of technology, content or backlinks. An SEO audit helps to establish a clear roadmap to maximize your site's ranking in search results, according to the specific engines used in each region, such as Google, Baidu or Yandex.

Technical SEO audit: Optimizing local performance

A technical SEO audit looks at the structure and technical performance of the site, which is crucial for guaranteeing a good user experience. When we look at a site that has a presence in several markets, technical challenges can differ depending on the location: loading speed can vary from one country to another due to infrastructure, and mobile optimization needs to take local usage habits into account.

A technical audit analyzes elements such as crawl errors, technical tags, redirections and even the management of multilingual URLs (hreflang tags), which are key to avoiding issues with duplicate content across the different versions of the site. Carefully correcting technical problems in each market ensures that your site performs optimally for both search engines and local users.

Semantic Audit: Relevant content for each market

A semantic SEO audit analyzes the quality of the content and its pertinence to local users' expectations. Each market has its own search behavior, and effective keywords in one language or region may not necessarily be effective in another. This audit enables us to assess whether the keywords used on each version of the site are adapted for local queries and whether they respond to specific search intents.

A good semantic audit also checks page structure (titles, subtitles, H1 and H2 tags) and the consistency of content across markets. Depending on the target audience, you can also create or adapt content to better respond to the needs of local users, while improving search engine optimization for specific queries. This may include adjusting the tone, cultural references or themes addressed.

Popularity audit: Local authority and backlinks

A popularity audit, centered on the analysis of backlinks and site authority, is a key factor for improving SEO performance. In different markets, the acquisition of backlinks needs to be adapted to meet local specificities. A link from an authoritative site in Germany will not have the same impact in France or Japan. It is therefore essential to understand each country's specific network of backlinks.

This audit examines the quality and quantity of inbound links, while identifying opportunities for improvement through a specific netlinking strategy for each market. The aim is to establish a local presence by obtaining backlinks from influential and relevant sites, thereby strengthening the site's authority and credibility at a local level.

An SEO audit by market is essential for optimizing a website’s global and local performance. Whether it's a technical, semantic or popularity audit, each analysis should be carried out taking into account the specificities of each target market. This work allows us to identify specific tools for improvement for each region, thus guaranteeing a tailor-made SEO strategy and greater search-result visibility.

At Datawords, we carry out comprehensive SEO audits tailored to your markets to help you maximize your online performance on a global scale. Contact us to find out how we can help you optimize your sites’ international SEO performance.


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