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Multicultural management of web platforms




Multicultural management of web platforms

Launching a new international website in just 4 months


Michelin is a French company that specializes in the production and distribution of tires. Founded in 1889 by brothers Édouard and André Michelin, the company is one of the world's leading tire manufacturers, and is constantly seeking new ways to improve the safety, performance and energy efficiency of its tires. Michelin offers a wide range of tires for different types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorbikes, aircraft and construction equipment.

With a rich history and a commitment to quality, sustainability and innovation, Michelin has positioned itself as a major player in the tire industry, offering reliable, high-performance mobility solutions around the world.

Until 2018, Michelin fully outsourced the management of its website and therefore did not have a Digital Factory. This led to fragmented management of its digital ecosystem in local markets, and made local experiences inconsistent with the brand's global vision. Each individual market used local content management systems (CMS), making it difficult to streamline the management of this digital ecosystem.

To overcome these obstacles and achieve its ambitious growth plan, Michelin chose Datawords to help it rapidly deploy over 200 websites worldwide, with an ultra-efficient strategy that takes into account the specific needs of each country.

The development and deployment of Michelin's Digital Factory involved several stages and was the culmination of a well-organized process. More specifically, this meant:

  • Proposing a test and scale approach, working closely with our client to understand their needs and test the deployment process step by step.
  • Proposing a test and scale approach, working closely with our client to understand their needs and test the deployment process step by step. Providing advice and in-depth analysis at a global level to identify the cultural adaptations essential to ensure that the main content could easily be adapted locally. Issues such as the country-specific translation of certain content, the choice of language models, fonts or visuals appropriate for each region were addressed by Datawords’ experts, who gave their opinion on their relevance.
  • Gathering a team of experts in SEO optimization and adaptation, as well as technical experts. Existing content was retrieved and translated by specialists in the automotive sector, then proposed to the markets for validation. This enabled us to minimize the effort invested by each country, while maximizing the return on investment.

  • Integrating the Apostrophe CMS into Michelin's technology stack to support its global deployment. At the same time, Datawords’ teams have strengthened their expertise in this constantly evolving tool. The Apostrophe platform gave us access to the entire Michelin universe, and enabled us to manage all local adaptation actions from a single interface.

After a successful first phase in Europe, where more than 20 international sites were launched in just 4 months, trust was established and other Michelin Group branches joined the partnership.

The new experience offered by Michelin's Digital Factory has been a great success within the Group. In total, we have successfully deployed 250 customized websites in around 50 different markets, encompassing the Michelin, Goodrich and Kléber brands.

This collaboration has enabled Michelin to streamline the management of its digital ecosystem and offer a consistent, personalized user experience, for both consumer and B2B tires. Direct discussions between Datawords teams and Apostrophe CMS managers have also resulted in significant technological savings.

And the project didn't just stop at the initial deployment phase: Michelin and its various international subsidiaries continue to work with Datawords teams to enrich the Digital Factory websites on a daily basis adapting their content as required, whether on a global scale, at the request of head office, or on a regional scale, managed by the countries themselves. This regular monitoring ensures that new website pages are constantly improved and new features implemented.

Our multicultural approach has enabled Michelin to meet the needs of each market, adapting its content accordingly, while maintaining a consistent and engaging user experience across different countries and cultures thanks to the Digital Factory.



Michelin is a French company that specializes in the production and distribution of tires. Founded in 1889 by brothers Édouard and André Michelin, the company is one of the world's leading tire manufacturers, and is constantly seeking new ways to improve the safety, performance and energy efficiency of its tires. Michelin offers a wide range of tires for different types of vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorbikes, aircraft and construction equipment.

With a rich history and a commitment to quality, sustainability and innovation, Michelin has positioned itself as a major player in the tire industry, offering reliable, high-performance mobility solutions around the world.



Until 2018, Michelin fully outsourced the management of its website and therefore did not have a Digital Factory. This led to fragmented management of its digital ecosystem in local markets, and made local experiences inconsistent with the brand's global vision. Each individual market used local content management systems (CMS), making it difficult to streamline the management of this digital ecosystem.

To overcome these obstacles and achieve its ambitious growth plan, Michelin chose Datawords to help it rapidly deploy over 200 websites worldwide, with an ultra-efficient strategy that takes into account the specific needs of each country.



The development and deployment of Michelin's Digital Factory involved several stages and was the culmination of a well-organized process. More specifically, this meant:

  • Proposing a test and scale approach, working closely with our client to understand their needs and test the deployment process step by step.
  • Proposing a test and scale approach, working closely with our client to understand their needs and test the deployment process step by step. Providing advice and in-depth analysis at a global level to identify the cultural adaptations essential to ensure that the main content could easily be adapted locally. Issues such as the country-specific translation of certain content, the choice of language models, fonts or visuals appropriate for each region were addressed by Datawords’ experts, who gave their opinion on their relevance.
  • Gathering a team of experts in SEO optimization and adaptation, as well as technical experts. Existing content was retrieved and translated by specialists in the automotive sector, then proposed to the markets for validation. This enabled us to minimize the effort invested by each country, while maximizing the return on investment.

  • Integrating the Apostrophe CMS into Michelin's technology stack to support its global deployment. At the same time, Datawords’ teams have strengthened their expertise in this constantly evolving tool. The Apostrophe platform gave us access to the entire Michelin universe, and enabled us to manage all local adaptation actions from a single interface.

After a successful first phase in Europe, where more than 20 international sites were launched in just 4 months, trust was established and other Michelin Group branches joined the partnership.



The new experience offered by Michelin's Digital Factory has been a great success within the Group. In total, we have successfully deployed 250 customized websites in around 50 different markets, encompassing the Michelin, Goodrich and Kléber brands.

This collaboration has enabled Michelin to streamline the management of its digital ecosystem and offer a consistent, personalized user experience, for both consumer and B2B tires. Direct discussions between Datawords teams and Apostrophe CMS managers have also resulted in significant technological savings.

And the project didn't just stop at the initial deployment phase: Michelin and its various international subsidiaries continue to work with Datawords teams to enrich the Digital Factory websites on a daily basis adapting their content as required, whether on a global scale, at the request of head office, or on a regional scale, managed by the countries themselves. This regular monitoring ensures that new website pages are constantly improved and new features implemented.

Our multicultural approach has enabled Michelin to meet the needs of each market, adapting its content accordingly, while maintaining a consistent and engaging user experience across different countries and cultures thanks to the Digital Factory.
