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Content localisation for every culture




Content localisation for every culture

Accelerating the localization of semantic content, whatever the culture

A BRIEFOVERVIEW, commonly known as Matches, is a world-renowned multi-brand e-commerce site focused on the sale of high-end luxury goods. The company caters to a discerning international clientele, offering a highly personalised online shopping experience focused on the expert curation of fashion products.

Since its launch in 1987 in the UK, the pure player has enjoyed rapid growth and established itself as an essential reference in the fashion world, showcasing designers and offering rich content focused on style and lifestyle.

Matches wanted to expand its international presence, particularly in the European market. A major challenge for this international deployment project was to guarantee instant product distribution in all target countries, with low latency. In other words, during the content localisation phase, each product had to be able to be put online and purchased in real time by customers, regardless of their geographical location, in the shortest possible time.

To meet this challenge, Matchesfashion turned to Datawords to benefit from our expertise in translation and end-to-end local adaptation.

In the interests of operational efficiency and process industrialisation, we chose to run the localisation campaign via our Wezen semantic asset management tool. It's a multilingual content management solution that combines artificial intelligence and human intelligence to automate and accelerate the translation process and international roll-out.

Content adaptation and localisation via Wezen

Localising the website and preparing the textual content for Matchesfashion were the key stages of this assignment. We have set up a batch translation process to ensure that products received are published within a maximum of 4 hours; this is reduced to 2 hours for products marked as "urgent" in the software. Workflows have been established, from receipt of content via the Wezen solution to translation, revision, validation and final delivery via the API. The translation phase began with human translations to train the search engine, then during the course of the project we switched to machine translation with post-editing, first for French content, then for Japanese and Korean content.


One of the strengths of the collaboration between Matches and Datawords lies in the establishment of a horizontal working system, where all parties work in sync. Content is received on the platform at regular, hourly intervals: an approach that promotes fluid communication and efficient workflow between teams, reducing delays and optimising productivity.


Producing content in large quantities while preserving its quality and remaining consistent with the overall strategy remains difficult to achieve, making it time-consuming to achieve top SEO performance. The Wezen platform makes it possible to define a ready-to-use SEO strategy for translators, right from the start of the content writing process. The latter is organised within the Wezen workflow and can be configured to lead to an SEO-centric approach: a considerable advantage for customer acquisition and retention, particularly in a context of e-commerce growth.

Our actions have enabled Matchesfashion to stand out even further in the luxury e-commerce market thanks to the quality of its editorial approach , quick publication turn-arounds and impeccable rendering of its content within a short timeframe : the company's ranking on the platforms of each country has been greatly improved, contributing to greater brand awareness..

The internal team set up within the company and dedicated to content validation guarantees this editorial quality. This has helped to maintain a very low rate of contribution: the percentage of corrections to translated content for Matches has thus been kept at an exceptionally low level - under 3%. As far as the translation process is concerned, Matchesfashion has expressed its satisfaction with the quality of the texts obtained thanks to machine translation. With Wezen and its automatic validation module, the e-retailer can continue to correct and refine translations to make them even more accurate and faithful. Matchesfashion continues to benefit from the contributions of this mission and to raise the standards of luxury e-commerce by offering superior editorial content to its international audience.


OVERVIEW, commonly known as Matches, is a world-renowned multi-brand e-commerce site focused on the sale of high-end luxury goods. The company caters to a discerning international clientele, offering a highly personalized online shopping experience focused on the expert curation of fashion products.

Since its launch in 1987 in the UK, the pure player has enjoyed rapid growth and established itself as an essential reference in the fashion world, showcasing designers and offering rich content focused on style and lifestyle.



Matches wanted to expand its international presence, particularly in the European market. A major challenge for this international deployment project was to guarantee instant product distribution in all target countries, with low latency. In other words, during the content localization phase, each product had to be able to be put online and purchased in real time by customers, regardless of their geographical location, in the shortest possible time.

To meet this challenge, Matchesfashion turned to Datawords to benefit from our expertise in translation and end-to-end local adaptation.



In the interests of operational efficiency and process industrialization, we chose to run the localization campaign via our Wezen semantic asset management tool. It's a multilingual content management solution that combines artificial intelligence and human intelligence to automate and accelerate the translation process and international roll-out.

Content adaptation and localization via Wezen

Localizing the website and preparing the textual content for Matchesfashion were the key stages of this assignment. We have set up a batch translation process to ensure that products received are published within a maximum of 4 hours; this is reduced to 2 hours for products marked as "urgent" in the software. Workflows have been established, from receipt of content via the Wezen solution to translation, revision, validation and final delivery via the API. The translation phase began with human translations to train the search engine, then during the course of the project we switched to machine translation with post-editing, first for French content, then for Japanese and Korean content.


One of the strengths of the collaboration between Matches and Datawords lies in the establishment of a horizontal working system, where all parties work in sync. Content is received on the platform at regular, hourly intervals: an approach that promotes fluid communication and efficient workflow between teams, reducing delays and optimizing productivity.


Producing content in large quantities while preserving its quality and remaining consistent with the overall strategy remains difficult to achieve, making it time-consuming to achieve top SEO performance. The Wezen platform makes it possible to define a ready-to-use SEO strategy for translators, right from the start of the content writing process. The latter is organized within the Wezen workflow and can be configured to lead to an SEO-centric approach: a considerable advantage for customer acquisition and retention, particularly in a context of e-commerce growth.



Our actions have enabled Matchesfashion to stand out even further in the luxury e-commerce market thanks to the quality of its editorial approach, quick publication turn-arounds and impeccable rendering of its content within a short timeframe: the company's ranking on the platforms of each country has been greatly improved, contributing to greater brand awareness.

The internal team set up within the company and dedicated to content validation guarantees this editorial quality. This has helped to maintain a very low rate of contribution: the percentage of corrections to translated content for Matches has thus been kept at an exceptionally low level - under 3%. As far as the translation process is concerned, Matchesfashion has expressed its satisfaction with the quality of the texts obtained thanks to machine translation. With Wezen and its automatic validation module, the e-retailer can continue to correct and refine translations to make them even more accurate and faithful. Matchesfashion continues to benefit from the contributions of this mission and to raise the standards of luxury e-commerce by offering superior editorial content to its international audience.
