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Home > About us > Our news > How L’Oréal Professionnel USA increased purchase intention on their website by 50%


Partnership with Datawords Since 2012
Website :




Partnership with Datawords Since 2012
Website :

L’Oréal Professionnel USA wanted to install a process to keep its website fresh and alive through inspiring content. See how their partnership with Datawords helped them with this important goal:


- The need to update the website daily with new content
- Creating multiple touchpoints to drive consumers to their hair salon
- Improving SEO rankings
- Finding new ways to increase social media engagement

- Industrialised Sitecore Webmastering process
- Average turnaround time per update request: 3 hours
- Number of updates produced in 2017: 180

- Traffic volume increased by 15%
- Bounce rate decreased from 58% to 19% which demonstrates improved quality visits
- Purchase Intention conversion rate increased by 48% (users redirecting to e-tailers)


- The need to update the website daily with new content
- Creating multiple touchpoints to drive consumers to their hair salon
- Improving SEO rankings
- Finding new ways to increase social media engagement


- Industrialised Sitecore Webmastering process
- Average turnaround time per update request: 3 hours
- Number of updates produced in 2017: 180


- Traffic volume increased by 15%
- Bounce rate decreased from 58% to 19% which demonstrates improved quality visits
- Purchase Intention conversion rate increased by 48% (users redirecting to e-tailers)

We value the partnership with Datawords and appreciate the work they have done to make our consumer website a best-in-class site among the global L’Oréal Professionnel websites.
Lauren Grunberg Digital Director, L’Oréal Professionnel USA
